Walk in-Retail Customers
Dry ice can help with many at home applications like transporting food for a camping trip, to elevating a science fair project or keeping your refrigerator cold during a power outage. MacGas located in Genoa IL, welcomes retail customers for small batch dry ice needs.
You must be 18 years or older to purchase dry ice from MacGas.
Always make sure your are aware of proper safety when handling dry ice.

Dry Ice in Coolers
If you are heading to the beach, a camping trip a hunting expedition, or any where in between, MacGas Dry Ice can keep your food and drinks cooler for longer periods of time.
Depending on the food you are wanting to store, (frozen or refrigerated) will determine how long dry ice can keep everything cold.
10lbs of dry ice may last you up to 24 hours in a 25 quart cooler.
If you want to keep your items cool, place dry ice under the food.
If you want to keep your items frozen (like ice cream) place dry ice on top of the food.
*Never touch dry ice with bare hands.
Dry Ice for decorations
The holidays are popular times to decorate with smoke/fog effect that can be produced by dry ice.
Tips for creating the fog effect:
1. You will need about 1/2 gallon of hot water per pound of dry ice
2. Make sure the bowl you are using is deep enough. The water level should submerge the dry ice.
3. You can help manipulate the fogs direction by using a fan.
4. Rotate the water as often as possible. If you have a way to circulate your water you can maintain a longer lasting fog.

Dry Ice Safety Tips:
Before using MacGas dry ice, be sure you know how to handle it safely.

Never ingest dry ice

Do not touch dry ice with bare hands

Do not store dry ice in an air tight container

Always use thick, insulated gloves to handle dry ice

Always have a car window open when transporting dry ice

Give yourself and your dry ice breathing room